I had the opportunity to spend a day in the Valley this winter. Many of the species found here are typical of eastern Mexico, not found north of the border beyond extreme south Texas. This Long-billed Thrasher is a non-migratory native of the area.

With the normally dry weather in this area, birds are attracted to any and all sources of water – so blinds set up near these ponds can be exceptionally productive.
The Northern Cardinal is of course a much more widely ranging bird, but some beautiful opportunities were presented with this species here.
While a day was all I had, I was able to visit the Raptor blind at the Laguna Seca Ranch. Crested Caracara were the stars of the show.

As with other species, a long lens was able to accomplish much closer shots showing great behavior.
And here are some remaining shots to wrap up the work from the day.
So until next time!

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