Known as ‘Fool Hen’ – the Spruce Grouse relies on staying still to remain hidden. This makes it one of the tamest birds to approach, once you find one. And therein lies the problem – you have to know how and where to find one. I signed up on a field trip organized by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin titled “In Search of Spruce Grouse” which offered the opportunity to find these birds in the coniferous bogs of Chequamegon National Forest in the northwoods of Wisconsin.

The trip was quite successful and we ended up finding five individuals including four displaying males which true to form, allowed very close approach and excellent photographic opportunities. Here are some of the images I made on this trip:
And some closeups of course:
NRF field trips offer special and unique opportunities to enjoy up-close experiences with Wisconsin’s natural resources in the company of expert trip leaders. The fees for these trips provide much needed funds for conservation and research, so please consider supporting them if you are in the area. Please check the link below.
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